Fullstack Developer, passionated about entreperneuship, technologies, engineering and open source. Working my way out to become a software architect and to be a entrepeneur at the Phygital market. Also I'm currently working at Ka Solution as Fullstack Developer Jr. and I have studiet at a technical school from 2018 until 2020 as an IT student at ITB Brasílio Flores de Azevedo, from 2021 until 2022 as an undergraduate electrical engineer at Poli - USP, and now as System's Developer and Analyst at FIAP from 2023 until the end of 2024.
🔭 I’m currently working on my own OS, because it would be fun to see if it runs on WASM on the web!
🌱 I’m currently learning Rust, SurrealDB, WASM and another things.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects
⚡ Fun fact: I really like this C++ Donut, it's the contemplation of the art of code: